Wednesday, May 28, 2008

We've Expanded our Audiobooks Collection

The library has added a whole new batch of audiobooks for your listening pleasure. But instead of having to physically visit the library to check out these titles you can download them to your personal PC or laptop, transfer them to supported portable devices, such as an MP3 player, or even burn some of them to CDs — anytime of day and all without having to leave the comfort of your home or office.

Bedford Public Library, along with six other libraries formed a consortium called Audio On-the-Go in order to bring you these great titles from OverDrive. The initial collection consists of 221 unique digital audiobooks for adults as well as kids such as mysteries, romance, science fiction, historical fiction, health and fitness, history, biography and more. To search and browse this new collection visit

Titles check out for 14 days and are automatically "returned" at the end of the lending period so there are never any fines. You can have three (3) titles checked out at any given time. Titles may be downloaded again if there are no holds. Users can place holds on popular titles which is especially useful for reserving your place in line for pre-release titles. We'll continue to add new titles to the collection and we'll be adding available titles to our online catalog so you can discover these great audiobooks while searching our other resources as well.

Using OverDrive digital audiobooks is easy. All you'll need is a valid library card, a computer, Internet access and free software for the computer and/or device on which you wish to use the material you download from this site. Visit the Quick Start Guide for information on how to get started or take the Guided Tour.

So give it a try!

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